runescape<江湖> 常用英语翻译


Atk - attack 攻击
Brb - be right back 很快就回来
Brt - be right there 很快就到那
Def - Defense 防御
G2g - got to go 要走了
Gl - good luck (thanks, s_h_y_a_m_a) 祝你好运
Hfs - holy f**king s**t (我也看不明白是什么)可能是骂人的话
Hlp - help 帮帮我
Ic - I see 我明白
Kk - ok 好的
Jk - just kidding 开开玩笑
L8er - later 迟点到
Omg - oh my God 哦上帝(生气中)
Omfg - oh my f**king god 骂人的话,很生气中
N2m - not too much 不要太多,(我也看不明白)
Nfs - not for sale 不是拿来卖的
Nm - never mind (thanks, 6367josh); not much (thanks, 1337_p5yc0) 别当心
Np - no problem 没问题
Nvm - never mind (thanks, 1337_p5yc0) 放心
Plz - please 请
Potting - the use of an attack, defense or strength potion during a fight or duel. 战斗术语
Sdfu - shut da f**k up 闭嘴
Srry - sorry 对不起
Stfu - shut the f**k up 闭嘴
Str - strength 力量
Thx - thanks 谢谢
Train - to work on a skill; gain XP 训练,一般是针对技能来获得技能值
Ty - thank you 谢谢
W2g - way to go 要走了
We - whatever 无论如何
Wdf - what da f**k 骂人的话
Wtf - what the f**k 骂人的话
Y? - why? (thanks, Chromana) 为什么
Yjk - you're just kidding 你在开玩笑吧
Yw - you're welcome 多谢

Lmao - laughing my ass off. 非常开心的笑
Lol - laugh out loud. 大笑
Rofflmao - rolling on floor f-ing laughing my (rear) off. - (thanks, super pk kid) 笑的滚在地上了

Rofl - rolling on floor laughing. 笑的滚在地上了
Roflmaopmp - rolling on floor laughing my ass off peeing my pants. 非常非常开心的笑
Woot - fun, yay, woohoo! 非常有意思

Lvl - level 级别
Mil - million 百万
runescape power leveling 江湖练级
XP - experience 经验值

2h - a 2-handed sword; held with both hands. 双手剑
Addy or Adam - Adamantite object such as ores, bars, or weapons. 矿物的一种,例如矿石,矿的BAR
Ammy - amulet 护身符
B Axe - battle axe. 斧头
Blk - Black (Thanks, hybridzerg) armor and weapons. They are unsmithable and can only be

traded or bought from shops. 黑色的装备(不能自己打造,但可以从店里购买到)
Cert - a certificate; exchangeable for certain items; 1 cert=5 of that item. RSC only!
Drag - Dragon items. 龙装备
runescape gold 江湖金币(通用货币)
Hally - Halberd. 戬,战斗的一种工具
Hobby - hobgoblin 妖怪
Kalphi - Kalphite Queen (thanks, Rexton660).一个怪物的名字
KBD - King Black Dragon (thanks, Nmon67). 黑色的龙
Limpy - limpwurt root; used to make strength potions. 一种药水,喝了可以提高力量
Lobby - lobster; a kind of fish. 龙虾
Lrg - large (helmet). 大的盔甲
Med - medium (helmet). 中的盔甲
Mith - Mithril object such as ores, bars, or weapons. M矿石,BAR,或者武器
Nat - Nature Rune (thanks, Ceb Phoenix). 魔法石的一种
Necro - necromancer; one who raises the dead. 巫师
Papple - pineapple; found on the Island of Karamja. 菠萝,可以在KARAMJA岛上找到
PHat - Party Hat; 6 kinds: red, yellow, green, blue, pink, white. 舞会帽,卖的好贵,有六种颜色

Pick - pickaxe (thanks, 1337_p5yc0). 锄头,挖矿用
Pl8 - plate mail body or legs (Thanks, TitanTyrant). 护体的武器,保护身体和脚的
Pot - potion 药的数量一服
Runestone - Rune for short; a stone imbued with magical power from the land. 制作魔法石最初

Skele - skeleton 骷髅
Sap - super attack potion 超级攻击药
Scimmy - Scimitar (thanks, Cooljak0) 弯刀
Sdp - super defense potion 超级防御药
Ssp - super strength potion 超级增强力量药
Super Set - set of super potions to increase your melee combat skills (Attack, Defense, and

Strength. 同上类似喝了增强体力的药水
Swordy - swordfish; a type of fish. 箭鱼,鱼的一种
Tally - Talisman (thanks, Bob f it). 护符
Wep - a weapon 武器

runescape accounts 江湖帐号
Bf - Boyfriend 男朋友
Every1 - everyone 在座的各位
Gf - Girlfriend 女朋友
Ne1 - anyone 有人么
Nebody - anybody 有人么
Newbie - a new player 新手
Noob - a stupid new player 新手
NPC - a non-player character (thanks, TitanTyrant). 游戏里的游戏人物,不是玩家
NPKer - a Non Player-Killer; doesn't hurt anyone (i.e. a shopkeeper). 在游戏里不杀人的玩家
PKer - a Player-Killer; these people try to kill others in the game. 专门喜欢杀对方的玩家
Ppl - people 人
Pure - a person that only trains attack, defense and strength to make their combat level

lower. 只训练战斗等级的玩家
Scammer - someone who scams another person deliberately. 骗子
U - you 你
Guth - Guthix, god of Nature and Balance. 游戏里什么的名字吧
Sara - Saradomin, god of Wisdom and Order. 智慧之神
Zammy - Zamorak, god of Chaos. 混沌之神

Ardy - Ardougne; a city with Market Stalls which you can steal from. 市场上的摊子你可以偷东西
Edgy - Edgeville; a small town bordering the Wilderness. Known for it's dungeon where

players of all levels can train combat. 荒地的一个小镇,知道哪有适合玩家修炼战斗的场所
Fally - Falador; a bustling city home to the mining guild. 地名F城,有个地方可以练习打造
Lumby - Lumbridge; the first town that you start off in. 做完新手任务的那个地方
Guild - a place for higher-level players to work on their skills, or buy items. 协会,一个地方供高级别的玩家交易修炼的地方
P.S. - short for Port Sarim (thanks, Monkeyguy03). F城下的一个港口
Rimmy - Rimmington; a small town south of Falador and east of Port Sarim, with a range for

cooking, a General Store and a Crafting Shop. (thanks, Moose) 地点,在F城东南方向有个煮饭和练手工的点
RSC - RuneScape Classic; the original version of the game first created in 2000 (thanks,

Strongbad). RS的第一代游戏,创建于2000年
RS - RuneScape 游戏的名字
RS2 - RuneScape 2; the second version of the game with advanced graphics; opened to Members in December 2003, and opened to Free-Players in March 2004. RS游戏的名字在2003年12月开办会员 区,开办非会员区于2004年3月
Wild - the Wilderness; a place for players to attack each other, and explore. 野外,PK区
Wildy - another name for the Wilderness - (thanks, skooter1000) 同样是野外,PK区

Bank Sale - When a player sells lots of various items for low prices, often giving the buyer a deal (thanks, Scorpaxe) 玩家们互相交易
Drop Mining - Mining as much ore as you possibly can without banking it to get "fast XP."
Drop Party - a gathering of RuneScapers that drop items such as Runes, food, armor, or other things that can be used by other players.
Duel - a fight between 2 people. 两人战斗
F2P - Free to Play 免费玩
FP - Freeplay 免费玩
FTP - Free to Play 免费玩
P2P - Pay to Play; Members 会员
Pk - Player Kill; when people go into the Wilderness to kill each other. 大家都知道我也不说了
Power Mining - see: Drop Mining. 一样不知道说什么
runescape quests 任务,完成后有一定的奖励
RC - Runecrafting; a skill allowing players to make their own Runes. 手工
Scam - when someone is cheated out of money or other stuff by another player. 骗子
Pic - a picture 图片
Wc - Woodcutting (Thanks, hybridzerg); a skill allowing you to chop trees to get wood砍树技能

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